
How Lanyards Can Help Support Your LBGTQ+ staff


With the end of this year’s Pride events taking place in September, it may be time to reflect on how diversity is influencing your business and whether you feel you could do more to help support your LGBTQ+ employees and improve morale and the diversity within your company or organisation.

Despite things having improved for LBGTQ+ people, there are many that still face struggles, particularly in the workplace environment. For most of us, we would want to do everything we can to make our employees feel as comfortable as possible, embracing the openness surrounding today’s gender and sexual diversity, however, although there are rules and regulations around intolerance in the workplace, many LBGTQ+ employees feel that more can be done to celebrate freedom and equity and reduce episodes of intolerance. And as diversity provides the backbone from which many companies thrive, it is no longer enough to just stand by and stay silent.

From a business, rather than personal standpoint, supporting Pride events and your LBGTQ+ employees with an obvious show of solidarity, not only shows that you are taking current issues seriously as a responsible business, but it can have a positive effect on productivity and efficiency and on your business management as a whole.

One of the most popular ways to show business-wide support is to purchase Pride Lanyards. Lanyards have a wide range of uses, can be customised with your own branding on top of the rainbow colours and are overtly visible, showing an obvious demonstration of your support. Not only that, but they can be purchased in bulk and are an affordable and cost effective product for all businesses and corporations. And if that is not enough to convince you how lanyards can help improve your LBGTQ+ employee support within your company, we have listed the top reasons why we believe the wearing of Pride lanyards can make a difference to your business.

Improve your working environment

In order to get the most out of your employees, your employees need to feel safe within the workplace. This means you need to create and nurture a supportive and tolerant culture in the working environment.

By providing this safe space, your employees can feel accepted and not worrying about how they are being perceived by others simply for how they are. Bullying should never be tolerated in the workplace, but often simmering resentment, snide remarks or simply being self-conscious around your work colleagues can cause just as much damage. If your working environment is a place where toxicity can thrive, it will push down productivity, make staff less likely to want to stay and there will be no company or brand loyalty whatsoever.

If you offer company Pride lanyards to your employees, from management down, it will prove you do not tolerate discrimination of any sort and provide a visual reminder to all employees that although people may look different or love differently, you are all in this together. Happy workplace = happy employees.

Improve your Brand

Inclusivity is one of the current favourite buzz words, used by brands and businesses wanting to market themselves in a more positive light and improve brand loyalty. However, simply saying your company is inclusive of all minorities means nothing.

If you really want to support LBGTQ+ rights and diversity and inclusivity within your company, you need to show your clients and customers that you mean it and they are not simply empty words. You want a visible show of support that screams these issues are an important part of your business or brand. Therefore, the wearing of Pride lanyards can be a clever idea to show that your brand is genuine about modern day issues such as the ones LBGTQ+ people face on a regular basis.

By personalising your Pride lanyards with your company logo, you increase your exposure to potential customers, especially as neck lanyards are constantly visible to the eye. Because they are a practical item, your employees are more likely to wear or use them, especially as the Pride branding of rainbow colours is both bright and eye catching, making your brand reach the widest possible consumer base.

Company branding on your Pride lanyards can also show you are not afraid to stand up for what is right and align your brand with the LGBTQ+ cause. You want this to be a key element of your brand voice to potential customers or clients, so Pride lanyards can form a positive first impression your business may have on a wider audience. By personalising them, lanyards can become a powerful brand identity tool. By showing potential clients of customers that you have a social conscience, you are more likely to see an increase in custom, as societal issues are now becoming a deciding factor in how consumers shop. As well for promotional reasons, having a brand identity that can be displayed can also convey a sense of professionalism and improve morale amongst staff members, uniting them with a sense of purpose.

Pride Lanyards at Only Lanyards

If you are thinking about buying Pride lanyards or ID lanyards or any lanyard accessories for yourself, your business or organisation, then please get in touch with us here at Only Lanyards. As well as lanyards to support your employees, increase security, or to help keep you safe, we also have a full range of designer lanyards if you are looking for something a little bit special, and we have a custom lanyard range to accommodate your own branding and any information you would like to be prominently displayed.

Not only do we have a fantastic range of lanyards and accessories, but if you cannot find what you are looking for, then you can contact us for a personalised quote on amounts and sizes, and we are happy to send you samples before you make your choice.

If you are interested in purchasing lanyards or accessories for yourself or your business or event, then we would love to hear from you. Even if you are unsure of what it is you would want or require, we can guide you through the process. Feel free to contact us directly by phone on 01765 233 144 or by email at